How Records Are Set

Candlepin record scores (scratch) may only be established on ICBA sanctioned/regulation lanes after July 26, 1989.  Exceptions: New Hampshire and Massachusetts where sanctioned / regulation scores have existed.

  • Record scores must be bowled under controlled conditions i.e. league play, published tournaments, all aspects of TV roll offs, state / provincial events, all aspects of pro and amateur tours.

  • The foul line rule must be in force.

  • Approved balls and pins must be used.

  • At least one weeks advance publicity must be given.

  • There must be at least four bowlers in a regular published shift, two bowlers per lane.

  • The original starting lineup must be used throughout.

  • The current ICBA rulebook must govern all play.

  • Notification must be made within 24 hours to the ICBA and lane inspection within 72 hours.

  • Complete rules govern. See proprietor master sheet.

  • New records are noted by *.

  • Scores are updated each year, record scores as of 6/1/13.

New Hampshire State Records


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